Going full steam ahead on Young Animal Wave 2, here comes a new original series by Magdalene Visaggio, Sonny Liew, Chris Chuckry, and Todd Klein.
Young Animal projects are usually developed in-house, after going through old Who’s Whos and picking out some obscure characters and further developing them with creators, but Eternity Girl came in as a pitch that completely blew me away.
To me, Eternity Girl, like the core YA books that came before it, represents the kind of comics I want Young Animal to be putting out. Weird, personal, at times abstract, a lot to discover, and absolutely different from anything else out there. Books like Eternity Girl that tackle issues like depression and alienation help define what Young Animal is, and what kind of stories we can tell that relate to the human condition. So please take a look at Issue 1 of this breakthrough new series created by some phenomenal talent. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.
Cover on the left by Sonny, variant cover on the right by Paulina Ganucheau. And a new editorial in the back written by me, with a Who’s Who file of Eternity Girl herself!